Healing Magnetism Collector

Bearer of the divine reality radiation, leads you into the hypothetical field of your wholeness

Energetic properties:

☆  Transmission of High Frequency Healing Radiation Power (Includes: SOL'A'VANA, TORA'AN'TARIA, PROSONODO, NA'NAAM)

☆  Alignment of the entire four-body system

☆  High expansion

☆  Strengthens the self-healing powers

☆  Expands and widens the healing channel

☆  Influx of magnetic love energy

☆  Restores the balance

☆  Carries you into the memory of your true being

☆  Leads you into the field of perfection within you

☆  Lets you feel and live your wholeness again

Channeling: Angel Nathaniel

My being is pure light and my gaze is a constant observer of what is happening, of the movement of the whole. OMAR TA SATT, I'm Nathaniel, watching over the healing frequency. The joy that I bring with me begins to dance around you in gentle tones, for I have a gift ready for you that already lets you feel the inherent power of the graceful energy.

Since I, Nathaniel, also have the insight into the coordination of the healing energies and their connection, which is one of my tasks, I have recognized that many divine people on earth cannot live their all-encompassing divinity in perfection because they often have difficulties to hold the ever-increasing accumulation of their frequencies permanently. So it is not possible for them to feel their healing in wholeness and it becomes easy for the human patterns of illness to show themselves. That's why I know how open you are to the healing-magnetism collector, which I trustingly place in your hand so that you can breathe in its high radiation through your divine-human heart and absorb it deeply.

In the united healing radiation power, chosen light intelligences, the release of magnetic love energy by Kryon and the SOL'A'VANA stream, it is the first time that such energetic universal imprints can be released and made recognizable. These imprints in turn leads you into the memory of your true being, your power, your abilities, your healing and ultimately to your wholeness.

Your savior (healing magnetism collector) activates as you unite your chakras and expand in all directions, becoming aware of your divinity, making your intent known, and speaking your original name. Countless angels will ground and hold you along the way. You will experience profound expansion and alignment, and energy streams of colors and tones will flow through you as well.

The more often you activate your collector and absorb its radiation, the more the healing magnetism in your light body will increase in these moments. You will continue to reflect on yourself, in the wholeness of your being, and live the "I Am" because nothing happens separately from each other.

Nathaniel loves you immeasurably

Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
SOL'A'VANA - The perfect sound

Included in delivery:
1 x Healing Magnetism Collector
Shape: Round disc with faceted corners
Bases nine-sided on both sides
Dimensions: Diameter 45mm, Depth: 8mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: Transparent green
Base printed
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
Written Instructions

Sold Out
SOL'A'VANA Light Pillar
SOL'A'VANA Light Pillar

Energetic properties:

☆  Builds a temple of light in your rooms

☆  High-energy stream of God's breath circulate between the universe and the planet

☆  Transforms all non-serving energies on all levels

☆  God's peace manifests

☆  God's love expands

☆  The light of perfection shines in the most beautiful colors

☆  Enhances all your spiritual abilities and all spiritual work

☆  Deepest connection to the spiritual world

☆  Miracles comes true

☆  Highest support for the planetary consciousness

Channeling: Melek Metatron

I am Melek Metatron, the Eye of God. With the vibration of the Divine Merkabah,  manifesting on Earth with the flow of SOL'A'VANA, the Breath of God, I greet you with the high vibrational words, OMAR TA SATT my beloved lightworker.

The earth energies are changing with increasing speed and the peak of the ascension is upon you. The changes in the outer world are living proof of the working of the light at this time and of the change in the all-encompassing consciousness on Earth. The duality loses more and more of its power, it dissolves and divine reality moves deeper and deeper, expanding and creating the New Earth.

With every increase in the Earth's frequency that takes place and with every movement of the Earth's field towards the divine magnetic lines, new possibilities of support open up that we are so keen to offer you. And so dear ones, it is the Eye of God himself that will inform you of these possibilities.

In the cooperation of different frequencies of light, which took place in deep connection with the light technicians of the universe, a way was found to create a direct energetic connection of the levels through the dimensions of light and and to direct the SOL'A'VANA - stream in a bundled form into the earth grid network. For this purpose, new high-energy patterns of light were created and combined into a new light technology. A powerful light instrument was created with the help of which you can move and effect many things on earth if you decide to use this tool.

The SOL'A'VANA - Light Pillar, when activated, establishes a stable connection between the divine Merkabah and the Earth Star. A cross-dimensional bridge of light is created, which we can then use to accompany the changes on earth and to support them with a special depth. Melek Metatron himself, will activate the light pillar in a high-energy ritual and connect it to the earth grid network, as it is right and good for you, for the local environment and for Lady Shyenna/Lady Gaia.

With the activation of the light pillar, the magnetic love energy begins to flow and  SOL'A'VANA starts to circulate. A powerful force field is thereby established and connects to the surrounding local structures and nodes of the Earth grid network. Adjustments are made and the optimal energetic configuration is created, from which the light instrument can use its entire functionality in its entirety.

The Eye of God looks at you full of love and accompanies you through the individual stages of the development of consciousness. Advance and enter the New Earth. Receive the New Consciousness and use all the wonderful possibilities that arise from it.

Melek Metatron showers you with heavenly joy and says to you, with the concentrated power of SOL'A'VANA:


Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
SOL'A'VANA - The perfect sound
A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - You are loved immeasurably

Included in delivery:
1 x SOL'A'VANA – Light Pillar
Dimensions: Height 150mm, Width: 50mm, Depth: 50mm
Material: High quality crystal glass
Color: Transparent
Inside the column 12 3D - SOL'A'VANA - crystals are lasered
CD: Melek Metatron - Activation of the SOL'A'VANA - Light Pillar

Light Communicator
Light Communicator

Immerse yourself in the light of divine reality and connect

Energetic properties:

☆  Carries your energy centers into the golden unified chakra

☆  Your male and female energies are brought into balance

☆  Your biorhythm will be adapted to the new age energy

☆  Merging with the light of Shakti

☆  Nourishes your clairsentience

☆  Increases manifestation power

☆  Allows you to step into unity with the heirs of God within you

☆  High expansion of consciousness

☆  Your medial channel will be freed from crystalline structures

☆  Highest invocation of the spirit worlds

Channeling: Shakti

With the words OMAR TA SATT, my immeasurable love for you flows to you and unites us, as well as all that is, ever was and ever will be.

I am Shakti, divine love and I have a gift ready for you that will take you beyond your mind, immerse you in the purest light of divine reality and carry you deep into the connection.

At the moment of touch in the intention of love, the communicator makes your heart space vibrate, unites your energetic centers and invites the resulting force field to merge with the female energy that is the carrier of light, which increases your feeling many times over. Your channels opens, expands, activates deeper and directs the energy streams of divine reality through. At the same time, you will find yourself in the energy flow of the interwoven heirs of God, who are already pulsing with life on earth, and you will feel how the heirs of God are resonating within you and your high consciousness will get ready at a depth like never before to communicate with the spiritual world.

Selected transfrequentional tones will support your consciousness, accompany and carry it, and at the same time free your medial channel from crystalline structures that no longer serve you, if it is good and right for you, lead your male and female energies deeper into divine balance, as well as adapt your biorhythm to the energy of the new age.

The more often you create a field of contact with your communicator with the intention of love, the more perceptible and visible the miracles can manifest themselves in you, also in your human-divine life and thus contribute to building the new earth.

My everlasting love expands within you and works through you. The divine order is restored and leads into the unity of the light of perfection.


Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
SOL'A'VANA - The perfect sound
HY'LA'ANAR - Perfect light of the divine reflection (Crystal associated to the crown chakra)
SIRON - Female energy of awakening

Included in delivery:
1 x Light Communicator
Shape: Octahedron
Dimensions: Base 40mm x 40mm; Length 77mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: Clear/White
Upper pyramid: 2 areas printed
Crystal HY'LA'ANAR and Eye of God
Lower pyramid: 2 areas printed
Crystal SOL'A'VANA and Crystal SIRON
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
Written Instructions

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal SOL'A'VANA

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The SOL'A'VANA pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal SOL'A'VANA - The perfect sound

With SOL'A'VANA, a crystal with the creative power of highest energy was brought to you directly from the divine source. This crystal is the king crystal, the crystal of the crystals. When this crystal is embedded in your merkabah, the crystal will make you feel that boundaries that you have set for yourself dissolve. You will feel peace, serenity, security and joy in your life.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold) + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 40mm / 1.57inch

Height with eyelet: 44mm / 1.73inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 301

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 16g / 0.56oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Attributes Transponder
Attributes Transponder

Energy reflectors of the divine light

Energetic properties:

☆  Centers you

☆  Fires up your ability aspect

☆  Lets the divine attributes in you become tangible and alive

☆  High expansion of consciousness

☆  Recognizing and remembering takes place

☆  Grants you deep insights

☆  You gain access to your own truth within you

☆  Elevates your senses

☆  Leads you into your personal creative power

☆  Your personal power unites with the higher power, the power of God

Channeling: Sherin

I am the light of love and I carry the beauty, as well as the wisdom, in tone, color and vibration of divine reality within me.

In the highest flow of ELEXIER of the Elohim tones, I send my greeting to you in the now time: OMAR TA SATT, I am Sherin.

In the deepest connection with Adonai Ashtar Sheran, I bring you the transfrequentional spectrum of the all-encompassing divine attributes in a circular shaped transponder, so that a profound connection can take place and you can experience the divine attributes embedded in your own specific structure more noticeably and take them as your own.

This will make it easier for you to live the abilities embedded in your divine DNA, which duality often keeps very small and, precisely for this reason, these properties can not be felt.

When you activate your transponder, transfrequentional energies are released that lead you into a great energetic expansion of consciousness. A bond is then formed between your ability aspect, your wisdom aspect and your divine "I AM". The resulting recognition in memory will begin to vibrate in your light body and then, as soon as it is right and good for you, flow deep into your soul.

The transcendent tonal substances translated for this will open your alpha chakra as if by themselves and thus touch the senses of your being with the greatest radiance, making it possible for you to fathom your divine self in unimagined depths.

A movement of change will therefore take place as soon as it is personally intended for you.

The more often you go into the transponder connection, the more you can feel and live the attributes of divinity in you.

It was a deep joy for me, tied in with the stream of honor, to introduce you to a tool that, especially in these moving times, will bring you closer and closer to yourself, unite your personal power with the power of God and let you live what you in truth you are “Divine human on earth”.


Attributes that can be felt and lived in depth:
- Confidence - Power (Centeredness) - Courage - Intention - Divine Joy
- Unconditional Love - Grounding - Lightness - Freedom - Abundance
- Harmony - Grace
- Balance (Male-Female, Thoughts-Feelings)
- Patience (inner calm/peace)
- Creator Power - Sol'A'Vana

Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
ELEXIER - Unconditional Love
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
SOL'A'VANA - Perfect sound
A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - You are loved immeasurably

Included in delivery:
1 x Attribute Transponder
Shape: Sphere
Dimensions: Ball diameter 50 mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: Blue
Entire spherical surface engraved
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
Written Instructions

Memory Emulsifier
Memory Emulsifier


Energetic properties:

☆  Travel into and through your twelve soul layers

☆  Crystalline structures that no longer serve you dissolve

☆  Collects and connects your soul memory patterns

☆  Soul memories are fed into your consciousness

☆  Lets you step beyond your mind

☆  Your mental spirit rises

☆  Deep soul insights

☆  Soul wisdom pours into your human-divine heart

☆  Deep activation of your third eye

☆  Intensifies your clairsentience

Channeling: Sherin

I greet you in the most immeasurable love of divine reality, with the swinging tones: OMAR TA SATT, I am Sherin, the wise being of the planet Venus.

Since it is often still difficult for many angels on earth, as well as you, to catch up with embedded soul memories - be it in pictures or feelings - to put them together and to consciously call them up and connect them, it is now a deep joy and honor for me at the same time to place another tool in your human-divine hands, which immediately begins to fill with my golden light during the activation process. Whereupon the waves of ATOROS pick up selected aspects of you and invite you to a joint journey in and through your twelve soul layers, in order to collect the most supporting and most profound soul memory patterns of all your incarnations from the beginning of time, to connect them and to feed them to your consciousness. At the same time, crystalline structures that are no longer useful to you are released.

So it will be easy for you to grasp the memories of your soul, embedded in the highest truth and wisdom, in order to grant your consciousness ever deeper and even deeper soul insights.

You will be supported by transcendental sound frequencies that will take you beyond your mind, raise your mental spirit and open your third eye in the simplicity of their being, which is so powerful in their effect. These high-frequency tones trigger emotions through their human recognition, which allow you to immerse yourself in unimagined depths of your soul.

The more often you go into the twelve layers of your soul with your memory emulsifier, the more conscious, clearer and richer your soul memories become, the higher the fire of memories blazes up in your heart and in your human-divine spirit.

AN'ANASHA, that I could work for you

It is also possible for you, with your activated memory emulsifier, to immerse yourself in specific soul memory sections that you wish to tune in to before your further journeys.

Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
ATOROS - The lightship Atoros
NEKTUM - Recollection

A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - You are loved immeasurably

Included in delivery:
1 x Memory Emulsifier
Shape: Cylinder/Rod
Dimensions: Diameter 22mm; Length: 120mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: Clear/White
Printed base: Crystal NEKTUM
Rod surface engraved: Spiral with 12 turns
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
Written Instructions

Sold Out
Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal SOL'A'VANA

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The SOL'A'VANA pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal SOL'A'VANA - The perfect sound

With SOL'A'VANA, a crystal with the creative power of highest energy was brought to you directly from the divine source. This crystal is the king crystal, the crystal of the crystals. When this crystal is embedded in your merkabah, the crystal will make you feel that boundaries that you have set for yourself dissolve. You will feel peace, serenity, security and joy in your life.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold + blue) + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 35mm / 1.38inch

Height with eyelet: 40mm / 1.57inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 275

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 18g / 0.63oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal MONA'OHA

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The MONA'OHA pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal MONA'OHA - Trust

Trust in your divine guidance and realize that everything that happens serves your highest good. But remember, first you have to trust yourself before you can trust other people or the spiritual world. Trust in your divine power.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold + blue)  + Enamel

Backside: Brushed polished

Width/Diameter: 35mm / 1.38inch

Height with eyelet: 40mm / 1.57inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 164

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 12g / 0.42oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal OSAM

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The OSAM pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal OSAM - Healing

OSAM heals all your wounds. OSAM heals your mental, emotional and physical body. You can also send OSAM over time and space, allowing healing to yourself, your soul parts or other people. Also think of Mother Earth who needs healing so badly.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold + blue)  + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 35mm / 1.38inch

Height with eyelet: 40mm / 1.57inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 127

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 14g / 0.49oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal TAN'ATARA

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The TAN'ATARA pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal TAN'ATARA - Zest for Life

Realize that you have everything to be happy. Feel the perfection in you and your environment at every moment. Then you will feel the true joy of living here on earth.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold) + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 45mm / 1.77inch

Height with eyelet: 35mm / 1.38inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 150

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 19g / 0.67oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Unicorn Invocator
Unicorn Invocator

Expect your unicorn energy and dive into unimagined depths of your consciousness

Energetic properties:

☆  Invocation of highest unicorn energy

☆  Strengthens and intensifies the connection to your personal unicorn

☆  Fires up the 19th aspect

☆  Lets your consciousness shine again

☆  High energy expansion

☆  Strengthens your abilities

☆  Development accelerator

☆  Connection of all aspects

☆  Divine reality travel

☆  Contact to the spiritual worlds

Channeling: Baheaa

I am Baheaa, the female energy of dragons and unicorns on the planet Omaras and I greet you with the words, embedded in immeasurable ELEXIER: OMAR TA SATT.

It is a great pleasure for me to see that you want to get in touch with your unicorn even more intensively with great dedication. This energy has been with you for so long through space and time and just as you once shed it in deepest love, it is now returning to you.

Since the unicorn energy can only be supplied to you from the outside, you cannot generate it from yourself and you will be visited by it when you are ready for it.

This energy lets your consciousness shine in a new dimension, strengthens your abilities, accelerates your development, connects your aspects very quickly and makes it possible for you to travel independently of space and time.

With the help of the released light ray technology, you are given the ability to open a memory field in you via the transcendental tonal substances, which activates the unicorn invocator, through your clear intention, from the deepest level of consciousness, with the highest intensity radiance, calling your unicorn energy, which requires the activation of your 19th aspect in your Merkaba to be able to absorb the unicorn energy.

If this has already happened, you will experience further expansion from connection to connection with your invocator. If this has not already happened, Melek Metatron, the Eye of God whose breath circulates in all that springs from divine reality, will activate your 19th aspect during the first touch of the energy stream that takes place via your invocator.

The unicorn energies called by you in the invocator connection will be fed to your 19th aspect and will then, accompanied by your personal group of angels and your ambassador of love, travel with your unicorn with your chosen aspects. Your unicorn will approach you and invite you to mount.

You will experience deepest intimacy in the connection with your unicorn and on the joint journeys a lot about yourself, about your tasks, your abilities and your work. All your journeys with your unicorn will serve you for the highest good and the energy of Bahea will be with you.

The more often you activate your invocator, the more unicorn energies are fed to you and the deeper the connection to and with your unicorn becomes.


Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - You are loved immeasurably

Included in delivery:
1 x Unicorn Invocator
Shape: Sphere
Dimensions: Ball diameter 50 mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: White
Surface printed
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
Written Instructions

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal JESUS

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The JESUS pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal JESUS - Jesus Christ

Jesus the Christ is called Lord Sananda in the cosmic realms. Jesus is the light, the love, the truth and the life. Visualize the crystal to connect with Jesus. Feel the love and salvation that Jesus gives you. Take his comfort and get well.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold) + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 35mm / 1.38inch

Height with eyelet: 40mm / 1.57inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 113

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 12g / 0.42oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal ELEXIER

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The ELEXIER pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal ELEXIER - Unconditional Love

A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - you are loved immeasurably. ELEXIER springs beyond the stargate. In your reality, you can already sense a hint of what it means in divine reality to be immensely loved. Everything is connected by ELEXIER.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold) + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 40mm / 1.57inch

Height with eyelet: 44mm / 1.73inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 160

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 23g / 0.81oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

Silver Zirconia Pendant - Crystal DANAS

Gorgeous high-quality silver pendant with zirconia stones and hand made enamel. The DANAS pendant was energetically cleaned and then energized together with the spiritual world with the energies of the crystal.

A wonderful companion in everyday life, who constantly carries his energies to you and circulates them in your energy fields.

Meaning of the Crystal DANAS - Soulstar

DANAS is your soul star. In him you are united with all your other selves. Send him and the related soul parts ELEXIER, OSAM and PRADNA and ask them to merge. Send over time and space and ask for energy increase, as it is correct and appropriate for each soul part.

Material: Sterling Silver 925 + Zirconia Stones (gold) + Enamel

Width/Diameter: 40mm / 1.57inch

Height with eyelet: 44mm / 1.73inch

Material thickness: 1.2mm / 0.05inch

Number of stones: 176

Enamel color: Blue

Weight: 13g / 0.46oz

The delivery does not include a chain, please order separately!

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