Attributes Transponder
Energy reflectors of the divine light
Energetic properties:
☆ Centers you
☆ Fires up your ability aspect
☆ Lets the divine attributes in you become tangible and alive
☆ High expansion of consciousness
☆ Recognizing and remembering takes place
☆ Grants you deep insights
☆ You gain access to your own truth within you
☆ Elevates your senses
☆ Leads you into your personal creative power
☆ Your personal power unites with the higher power, the power of God
Channeling: Sherin
I am the light of love and I carry the beauty, as well as the wisdom, in tone, color and vibration of divine reality within me.
In the highest flow of ELEXIER of the Elohim tones, I send my greeting to you in the now time: OMAR TA SATT, I am Sherin.
In the deepest connection with Adonai Ashtar Sheran, I bring you the transfrequentional spectrum of the all-encompassing divine attributes in a circular shaped transponder, so that a profound connection can take place and you can experience the divine attributes embedded in your own specific structure more noticeably and take them as your own.
This will make it easier for you to live the abilities embedded in your divine DNA, which duality often keeps very small and, precisely for this reason, these properties can not be felt.
When you activate your transponder, transfrequentional energies are released that lead you into a great energetic expansion of consciousness. A bond is then formed between your ability aspect, your wisdom aspect and your divine "I AM". The resulting recognition in memory will begin to vibrate in your light body and then, as soon as it is right and good for you, flow deep into your soul.
The transcendent tonal substances translated for this will open your alpha chakra as if by themselves and thus touch the senses of your being with the greatest radiance, making it possible for you to fathom your divine self in unimagined depths.
A movement of change will therefore take place as soon as it is personally intended for you.
The more often you go into the transponder connection, the more you can feel and live the attributes of divinity in you.
It was a deep joy for me, tied in with the stream of honor, to introduce you to a tool that, especially in these moving times, will bring you closer and closer to yourself, unite your personal power with the power of God and let you live what you in truth you are “Divine human on earth”.
Attributes that can be felt and lived in depth:
- Confidence - Power (Centeredness) - Courage - Intention - Divine Joy
- Unconditional Love - Grounding - Lightness - Freedom - Abundance
- Harmony - Grace
- Balance (Male-Female, Thoughts-Feelings)
- Patience (inner calm/peace)
- Creator Power - Sol'A'Vana
Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
ELEXIER - Unconditional Love
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
SOL'A'VANA - Perfect sound
A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - You are loved immeasurably
Included in delivery:
1 x Attribute Transponder
Shape: Sphere
Dimensions: Ball diameter 50 mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: Blue
Entire spherical surface engraved
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
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