Gate of Consciousness
Opens the gate to the higher levels of consciousness
Energetic properties:
☆ Leads you into the Golden Unified Chakra
☆ Unconditional love fills you
☆ Fires up your Christ aspect
☆ Raises your consciousness
☆ You receive a large increase in energy
☆ Lets your Merkabah vibrate
☆ You recognize yourself as what you are
☆ Frees your mental spirit
☆ Merging takes place
☆ Memories wakes up
Channeling: Lady Nada
In the holiness of the divine presence, I speak to you, Lady Nada. I am the light, the love, the hope, the joy and I greet you, from the infinite expanses of divine reality, with the ELEXIER-infused words "OMAR TA SATT".
The eternal light streamed through me into the pyramidal form, which unites your chakras when you hold it to your heart, filling you with unconditional love, the radiant sun of union extends beyond all your bodies, fires up your Christ aspect and makes it pulsate.
The chosen transfrequentional sequence of tones will invite your consciousness to rise and step through the gate in the energy field around the pyramidal shape.
Your vibration will increase at the same time, your Merkabah will begin to rotate and your actual being - "radiant being of light" - will be felt like never before. You will feel that with every breath you take you are illuminating the light of the Earth, you are God's light in action, you are one with the divine presence and All That Is is expressing itself through you.
The more often you let your consciousness pass through the activated gate, the deeper merging can take place, your spirit rises, your mental spirit frees itself and carrying profound memories become palpable, which then enter your divine human memory and thus become alive.
AN'ANASHA for your love, which always flows from your wide open heart, in the deepest trust and courage.
Words of the light language ARI'SO'AM:
OMAR TA SATT - Lightworkers' Greeting
AN'ANASHA - Gratitude
ELEXIER - Unconditional Love
LOTUS - New consciousness
NEKTUM - Recollection
NUBI - Absorbing Divine Reality
RA'DA'SO'AM - Light Absorption
ANA'LOTUS - Lightbody
A NI O'HEVED O'DRACH - You are loved immeasurably
Included in delivery:
1 x Gate of Consciousness
Shape: Pyramid
Dimensions: Based on Pyramid of Cheops
H 50mm, W 70mm, D 70mm
Material: High quality glass
Color: Transparent
The pyramid surfaces are printed
CD: Preparation Meditation + Transcendental Tones
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