METALICHT Shop - Light products for your spiritual development

Antaaris Light Technologies

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High energy meditation tools for your body, mind, soul and development of New Consciousness

Original name necklace

Create your personal original name necklace now and feel the eternal connection to your cosmic parents and let yourself be carried to your true self.

Including Initiation CD with Melek Metatron


Silver Zirconia Pendants

Open category

Silver Pendants

Open category

Chakra crystals of the new age - Stone set

Unlock the potential for overall wellness and vitality, experience heightened energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance by incorporating our Chakra crystals of the new age - Stone set into your daily routine.

Including Meditation CD

Aura Light Essences

Open category

Room Energization -33%

Open category

Crystals of Divine Reality

Open category
Beautiful crystal designs for your projects.


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